Bible Outline by Chapters
853 BC -- Obadiah 1 -- The Destruction of Edom -- The Day of the LORD Is Near
Bible Timeline: All Dates are Approximate
959 BC -- Solomon's Prayer of Temple Dedication
959 BC -- God's Glory in the Temple
959 BC -- Psalms of Solomon
959 BC -- Solomon's buildings
950 BC -- Solomon Psalm of Blessing
950 BC -- The Proverbs of Solomon
950 BC -- The Words of Agur
950 BC -- King Lemuel's Proverb
950 BC -- Ecclesiastes Words of the Preacher
950 BC -- Solomon's Song of Songs
946 BC -- The Queen of Sheba Visits Solomon
939 BC -- Solomon's Wives and Idolatry
931 BC -- The Kingdom is Divided
930 BC -- Israelites Rebel against Rehoboam
930 BC -- Rehoboam's Reign over Judah
927 BC -- Rehoboam's sin
925 BC -- Ahijah's Prophecies against Jeroboam
913 BC -- Abijam's wicked reign
913 BC -- Civil War against Jeroboam
913 BC -- Asa Destroys Idolatry
909 BC -- Jehu's prophecy against Baasha
895 BC -- Asa's Reforms
894 BC -- Hanani's rebuke
869 BC -- Jehoshaphat Succeeds Asa
863 BC -- Elijah Prays for Drought
863 BC -- Elijah on Mount Carmel
858 BC -- Elijah Flees Jezebel
857 BC -- Ben-Hadad Attacks Samaria
855 BC -- Ahab Takes Naboth's Vineyard
853 BC -- Israel and Judah against Syria
853 BC -- The Vision of Obadiah
853 BC -- Jehoshaphat Allies with Ahab
853 BC -- Jehosaphat's deeds
853 BC -- War with Ammon and Moab
852 BC -- Jehoram's Wicked Reign in Judah
852 BC -- Moab Rebels
851 BC -- Elijah Taken up to Heaven
850 BC -- Jehoram Meets Moab Rebellion
849 BC -- The Widow's Oil
849 BC -- The Healing of Naaman
848 BC -- Elisha Floats an Axhead
848 BC -- Elisha Promises Plenty in Samaria
847 BC -- The Shunammite's Land
841 BC -- Jehu Reigns in Israel
841 BC -- Ahab's Family Killed
841 BC -- Joash escapes Athaliah
841 BC -- Ahaziah Succeeds Jehoram in Judah
841 BC -- Jehoiada Makes Joash King
835 BC -- Joash Reigns Well
835 BC -- The Word of the LORD to Joel
812 BC -- Jehoahaz's wicked reign
796 BC -- Amaziah's good reign
790 BC -- Azariah's good reign
790 BC -- Uzziah Reigns in Judah
766 BC -- The Words of Amos
760 BC -- Jonah Sent to Nineveh
753 BC -- Hosea's Prophecies
750 BC -- Jotham Succeeds Uzziah
742 BC -- Wicked Reign of Ahaz
739 BC -- Isaiah Complains of Zion's Corruption
739 BC -- Isaiah's Vision and Commission