Bible Outline by Chapters
1800 BC -- Exodus 1 -- Israelites Multiply -- Oppression in Egypt
1525 BC -- Exodus 2 -- Birth, Adoption and Escape of Moses
1446 BC -- Exodus 3 -- Moses and the Burning Bush
1446 BC -- Exodus 4 -- Miraculous Signs by Moses -- Aaron as Mouthpiece -- Moses Returns
1446 BC -- Exodus 5 -- Pharaoh Rejects Moses' Plea -- Increases the Israelites' Labor
1446 BC -- Exodus 6 -- God Promises to Deliver the Families of Israel
1446 BC -- Exodus 7 -- Aaron's Staff -- Plague of Blood
1446 BC -- Exodus 8 -- Plagues of Frogs, Gnats and Flies
1446 BC -- Exodus 9 -- Plagues of Livestock, Boils and Hail
1446 BC -- Exodus 10 -- Plagues of Locusts and Darkness
1446 BC -- Exodus 11 -- The Plague on the Firstborn
1446 BC -- Exodus 12 -- Passover -- Feast -- Memorial -- Pharaoh Urges Exodus
1446 BC -- Exodus 13 -- Consecration of the Firstborn -- God Leads the People out
1446 BC -- Exodus 14 -- Pharaoh Pursues -- The Red Sea is Parted
1446 BC -- Exodus 15 -- Song of Moses and Miriam -- The LORD Provides Water
1446 BC -- Exodus 16 -- Manna, Quail and the Sabbath
1446 BC -- Exodus 17 -- Water from the Rock -- Defeat of the Amalekites
1446 BC -- Exodus 18 -- Jethro Visits and Counsels Moses
1446 BC -- Exodus 19 -- Moses and the LORD at Mount Sinai
1446 BC -- Exodus 20 -- The Ten Commandments
1446 BC -- Exodus 21 -- Ordinances for Servants and Personal Injuries
1446 BC -- Exodus 22 -- Property Rights and Social Laws
1446 BC -- Exodus 23 -- Laws of Justice, Mercy, Sabbath, Annual Festivals, Conquest
1446 BC -- Exodus 24 -- The People Affirm Their Covenant with God
1446 BC -- Exodus 25 -- Tabernacle Offerings, Ark, Table, and Lampstand
1446 BC -- Exodus 26 -- Instructions for the Tabernacle: Curtains, Boards and Veil
1446 BC -- Exodus 27 -- Instructions for the Altar and Courtyard -- Oil for the Lampstand
1446 BC -- Exodus 28 -- Priestly Garments, Ephod, Breastpiece
1446 BC -- Exodus 29 -- Consecration, Sacrifices, Food of the Priests
1446 BC -- Exodus 30 -- Altar of Incense -- Atonement Money -- Basin -- Anointing oil
1446 BC -- Exodus 31 -- Craftsmen Bezaleel and Aholiah -- Sabbath Explained
1446 BC -- Exodus 32 -- The Golden Calf and Moses' Anger
1446 BC -- Exodus 33 -- Moses Resumes the Journey -- Intercedes for the Israelites
1446 BC -- Exodus 34 -- Tablets Replaced -- Covenant Renewed -- Radiant Face of Moses
1446 BC -- Exodus 35 -- Sabbath Rules -- Workmen and Gifts for the Tabernacle
1446 BC -- Exodus 36 -- Bezalel and Oholiab -- Gifts -- Tabernacle Construction
1446 BC -- Exodus 37 -- Ark, Table, Lampstand, Altar of Incense
1446 BC -- Exodus 38 -- Altar of Burnt Offering, Basin, Courtyard Completed -- Costs Totaled
1446 BC -- Exodus 39 -- The Priestly Garments -- Moses Inspects the Completed Work
1445 BC -- Exodus 40 -- Tabernacle Erected and Filled by the Glory of the LORD
Bible Timeline: All Dates are Approximate
1921 BC -- Jacob and His Sons
1908 BC -- Jacob Leaves for Canaan
1906 BC -- Jacob Wrestles with God
1906 BC -- Jacob Meets Esau
1906 BC -- Shechem Defiles Dinah
1906 BC -- Jacob Returns to Bethel
1906 BC -- Descendants of Esau
1898 BC -- Joseph's Dreams and Betrayal
1898 BC -- Tamar deceives Judah
1898 BC -- Joseph Prospers Under Potiphar
1887 BC -- The Cupbearer and the Baker's Dreams
1886 BC -- Joseph Interprets Pharaoh's Dreams
1875 BC -- Joseph's Brothers Sent to Egypt
1875 BC -- The Return with Benjamin
1875 BC -- Benjamin and the Silver Cup
1875 BC -- Joseph Reveals His Identity
1875 BC -- Jacob and Family to Egypt
1875 BC -- Jacob to Goshen
1859 BC -- Jacob's Illness
1859 BC -- Jacob's Blessing and Death
1859 BC -- The Burial of Jacob
1800 BC -- Jacob's Family Stays in Egypt
1525 BC -- The Birth and Adoption of Moses
1446 BC -- Moses Sent to Deliver Israel
1446 BC -- The Ten Plagues on Egypt
1446 BC -- The Exodus Begins
1446 BC -- The Isreaelites At Mount Sinai
1446 BC -- Moses Receives the Commandments
1446 BC -- Moses Receives the Law
1446 BC -- Preparations for the Tabernacle
1446 BC -- The Golden Calf and Moses' Anger
1446 BC -- The Journey Resumes
1445 BC -- The Tabernacle is Erected and Filled
1445 BC -- Laws for Sacrifices and Offerings
1445 BC -- Aaron and His Sons Consecrated
1445 BC -- The Sin of Nadab and Abihu
1445 BC -- Laws of Purity
1445 BC -- Punishments and Regulations
1445 BC -- Feasts and Jubilee
1445 BC -- Census, Tribes, Duties
1445 BC -- Tabernacle Dedication
1445 BC -- The People Complain
1445 BC -- The Twelve Spies
1445 BC -- People Murmur at the Spies' Report
1426 BC -- Korah's Rebellion
1426 BC -- Aaron's Staff Buds
1426 BC -- Priests, Red Heifer, Cleansing
1407 BC -- Water from the Rock at Meribah
1407 BC -- The Bronze Snake
1407 BC -- Balaam and the Angel
1407 BC -- The Second Census
1407 BC -- The Daughters of Zelophehad
1407 BC -- Special sacrifices and holy days
1407 BC -- Vows of women
1407 BC -- Conquest of Midian
1407 BC -- Division of Transjordan
1407 BC -- Summary of Israel's Journey
1407 BC -- Apportionment of Canaan
1407 BC -- Borders and Cities of Refuge
1407 BC -- Zelophehad's Daughters Marry
1407 BC -- Psalm of Moses